

Funding acknowledgements#

This project was made possible by 2023/24 OER Affordability Grant (formerly known as OER Implementation Grant) at UBC Vancouver.


Content for various chapers was created by the following students:

Ali Doustahadi, MASc candidate in the Department of Materials Engineering, UBC Vancouver, created material for Chapter 3, 5 and 6.

Dr.Chun-Sheng Wang, Postdoctoral Research fellow in the School of Mechanical Engineering, UBC Okanagan, involved in the ideation process.

Hariharan Umashankar, PhD candidate in the Department of Materials Engineering, UBC Vancouver, created material for Chapter 1, 2 and 4 and hosted this website on GitHub pages.

The following faculty members were responsible for providing feedback along the course of this project and acquiring the project funds:

Dr. Casey Keulen, Assistant Professor of Teaching, Department of Materials Engineering, UBC Vancouver.

Dr. Amir M. Dehkhoda, Assistant Professor of Teaching, Department of Materials Engineering, UBC Vancouver.

Dr. Claire (Yu) Yan, Associate Professor of Teaching, School of Mechanical Engineering, UBC Okanagan.