6.6 T-s diagram for Water#
Problem statement#
Build a T-s diagram for water. Plot a constant pressure curve equal to \(P=5\:MPa\) and a constant specific volume cure equal to \(v=1\:m^3/kg\) on the diagram.
Solution approach:#
# import the libraries we'll need
import CoolProp.CoolProp as CP
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# define variables
fluid = "water" # define the fluid or material of interest, for full list see CP.Fluidslist()
T_min = CP.PropsSI("Tmin", fluid) # triple-point temp for the fluid in K
T_crit = CP.PropsSI("Tcrit", fluid) #critical point temperature in K
T_vals = np.linspace(T_min, T_crit, 1000) # define an array of values for temperature
Q = 1 # define the fluid quality as 1, which is 100% vapor
entropy = [CP.PropsSI("S", "T", T, "Q", Q, fluid)/1000 for T in T_vals] # call for entropy values using CoolProp
plt.plot(entropy, T_vals, "-b", label="Saturation Line") # plot pressure vs enthalpy
Q = 0 # define the fluid quality as 0, which is 100% liquid
entropy = [CP.PropsSI("S", "T", T, "Q", Q, fluid)/1000 for T in T_vals] # call for entropy values using CoolProp
plt.plot(entropy, T_vals, "-b") # plot pressure vs enthalpy
# constant pressure
P = 5e+6 #constant pressure in Pa
T_max = 650 + 273.15 #max temperature for plotting
T_vals = np.linspace(T_min, T_max, 1000) # define an array of values for temperature
entropy = [CP.PropsSI("S", "T", T, "P", P, fluid)/1000 for T in T_vals] # call for entropy values using CoolProp
plt.plot(entropy, T_vals, "--r", label="P=5 MPa") # plot pressure vs enthalpy
#constant volume
v = 1 #constant volume m3/kg
D = 1 / v #density kg/m3
entropy = [CP.PropsSI("S", "T", T, "D", D, fluid)/1000 for T in T_vals] # call for entropy values using CoolProp
plt.plot(entropy, T_vals, "--g", label="v=1 m3/kg") # plot pressure vs enthalpy
plt.ylabel("Temperature [K]") # give y axis a label
plt.xlabel("Entropy [kJ/kgK]") # give x axis a label
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7ffb9f408a90>