Chapter 6#
Question #17: Geothermal Heat Pump#
The following list is the average weekly temperature history for the three months (12 weeks) of winter (Dec, Jan, Feb) in Whistler, Canada. Consider a room in this weather that is maintained at \(T_r=21\:^{\circ}C\)
\(T(^{\circ}C)=[-1, -3, -2, -3, -2, -4, -5, -2, -5, -4, -1, 0]\)
a) plot the weekly temperature history
b) calculate and plot the Carnot COP for a heat pump operating between the room temperature and the weekly reported temperature in Whistler.
Now consider using a geothermal heat pump where the evaporator of the cycle is placed deep into the soil where the temperature is almost constant year-round at \(T_s=3\:^{\circ}C\).
c) calculate the Carnot COP for a geothermal heat pump operating in this condition
Solution Approach for a)#
#import libraries
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#define variables
T = np.array([-1,-3,-2,-3,-2,-4,-5,-2,-5,-4,-1,0])
weeks = np.arange(1,13)
plt.plot(weeks,T, marker=4 ,linestyle='None')
plt.ylabel("Temperature [C]") # give y axis a label
plt.xlabel("Weeks") # give x axis a label
Text(0.5, 0, 'Weeks')
Solution Approach for b)#
for a Carnot heat pump
#define variables
T_r = 21 + 273.15 #room temperature in K
T_H = T_r #room as the hot heat sink
T_C = T + 273.15 #outside temperature as the cold heat source in K
COP_b = T_H / (T_H - T_C) #Carnot COP based on outside temperature
plt.plot(weeks,COP_b,marker=4 ,linestyle='None')
plt.ylabel("COP") # give y axis a label
plt.xlabel("Weeks") # give x axis a label
Text(0.5, 0, 'Weeks')
Solution Approach for c)#
T_C = 3 + 273.15 #cold heat source temperature in K
COP_c = T_H / (T_H - T_C) #Carnot COP based on geothermal heat pump
print('The Carnot COP of a geothermal heat pump in this condition is:', f"{COP_c:.1f}")
The Carnot COP of a geothermal heat pump in this condition is: 16.3