4.12: P-v diagram for Polytropic air#
Problem Statement:#
Consider \(1\:kg\) of air at a pressure of \(P=100\:kPa\) stored in a space with a volume of \(V=1\:m^3\). Sketch the P-v diagram for air going through a polytropic compression to double its pressure with three different n’s:
a) \(n=1\)
b) \(n=0.8\)
c) \(n=k=C_p/C_v\)
Solution Strategy:#
for a polytropic process
\(v_2=v_1\times (P_1/P_2)^{(1/n)}\)
and to plot for specific volume
#import the libraries we'll need
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#fluid properties
C_p = 1.005 #air Cp in kJ/kg.K
C_v = 0.718 #air Cv in kJ/kg.K
m = 1 #air mass in kg
V_1 = 1 #initial air volume in m3
v_1 = m / V_1 #initial air specific volume in n3/kg
P_1 = 100 #initial air pressure in kPa
P_2 = 2 * P_1 #final air pressure in kPa
P_vals = np.linspace(P_1, P_2, 1000) # define an array of values for pressure (P)
#for n=0.8
n = 0.8 #polytropic constant
v_vals_a = v_1 * (P_1 / P_vals) ** (1 / n)
#for n=1
n = 1 #polytropic constant
v_vals_b = v_1 * (P_1 / P_vals) ** (1 / n)
#for n=k
n = C_p / C_v #polytropic constant
v_vals_c = v_1 * (P_1 / P_vals) ** (1 / n)
##plotting P-v
plt.plot(v_vals_a, P_vals,label='n=0.8') # plot pressure vs. specific volume
plt.plot(v_vals_b, P_vals,label='n=1')
plt.plot(v_vals_c, P_vals,label='n=k')
plt.ylabel("Presssure [kPa]") # give y axis a label
plt.xlabel("Specific Volume [m3/kg]") # give x axis a label
Text(0.5, 0, 'Specific Volume [m3/kg]')