Chapter 1#
Question 9: Steam and a Divider#
Consider \(m=10\:g\) of steam at \(T=250\:^{\circ}C\) stored in a container of volume \(V=100\:L\). For steam, calculate:
a) specific volume
b) density
c) pressure
d) specific internal energy
e) specific enthalpy
f) specific entropy
g) total internal energy
h) total enthalpy
i) total entropy
Solution Approach for a)#
for specific volume:
# define variables
m = 0.01 #mass of steam in kg
V = 0.1 #volume of steam in m3
T = 250 + 273.15 #tempearature of steam in K
v = V / m #specific volume in m3/kg
print('specific volume of steam is:', f"{v:.1f}", 'm3/kg')
specific volume of steam is: 10.0 m3/kg
Solution Approach for b)#
for density:
D = 1 / v #density in kg/m3
print('specific volume of steam is:', f"{D:.3f}", 'kg/m3')
specific volume of steam is: 0.100 kg/m3
Solution Approach for c)#
#importing the required library
import CoolProp.CoolProp as CP
fluid = 'water'
P = CP.PropsSI("P", "T", T, "D", D , fluid) #pressure of steam in Pa
print('specific pressure of steam is:', f"{P/1000:.1f}", 'kPa')
specific pressure of steam is: 24.1 kPa
Solution Approach for d)#
where \(u\) is the specific internal energy and \(U\) is the total internal energy
u = CP.PropsSI("U", "T", T, "D", D , fluid) #specific internal energy in J/kg
print('specific internal energy of steam is:', f"{u/1000:.1f}", 'kJ/kg')
specific internal energy of steam is: 2735.7 kJ/kg
Solution Approach for e)#
where \(h\) is the specific enthalpy and \(H\) is the total Enthalpy
h = CP.PropsSI("H", "T", T, "D", D , fluid) #specific enthalpy in J/kg
print('specific enthalpy of steam is:', f"{h/1000:.1f}", 'kJ/kg')
specific enthalpy of steam is: 2977.0 kJ/kg
Solution Approach for f)#
where \(s\) is the specific entropy \(S\) is the total Entropy
s = CP.PropsSI("S", "T", T, "D", D , fluid) #specific entropy in J/kgK
print('specific entropy of steam is:', f"{s/1000:.1f}", 'kJ/kgK')
specific entropy of steam is: 8.7 kJ/kgK
Solution Approach for g)#
\(U=m\times U\)
U = m * u #total internal energy in J
print('total internal energy of steam is:', f"{U/1000:.1f}", 'kJ')
total internal energy of steam is: 27.4 kJ
Solution Approach for h)#
\(H=m\times h\)
H = m * h #total enthalpy in J
print('total enthalpy of steam is:', f"{H/1000:.1f}", 'kJ')
total enthalpy of steam is: 29.8 kJ
Solution Approach for i)#
\(S=m\times s\)
S = m * s #total entropy in J/K
print('total entropy of steam is:', f"{S/1000:.3f}", 'kJ/K')
total entropy of steam is: 0.087 kJ/K