3.9: Can Crush#

Consider a Can Crush experiment where an empty can is crushed using the pressure drop caused by instant cooling of the hot air trapped inside the can. An empty \(355\:ml\) can at atmospheric pressure is heated up to \(T=120^{\circ} C\) on a stove. Then can is then suddenly dipped upside-down into a bowl of water at \(T_w=25^{\circ} C\). Assumming the air inside the can is ideal gas in thermal equilibrium with the can, calculate:

a) mass of heated air inside the can

b) the crushing temperature for air inside the can assuming a pressure difference on \(P_c=20\:kPa\) is required to commence crushing


Solution Approach for a)#

based on ideal gas assumption,




#define variables
P_a = 101325   #atmospheric pressure in Pa
R = 287   #gas constant in J/kg.K

T = 120 + 273.15   #temperature in K
P = P_a   #initial hot air pressure in Pa
V = 355E-6   #gas container volume in m3

m = P * V / (R * T)   #mass in kg

print('The amount of hot air stored in the can is:', f"{m*1000:.3f}", 'mg')
The amount of hot air stored in the can is: 0.319 mg

Solution Approach for b)#

The pressure difference (\(P_c\)) is the differece between the atmospheric pressure outside the can (\(P_a\)) and the pressure inside the can (\(P\))




then assuming idael gas for the air inside the can at this pressure


note the volume of the can is constant before the crush happens

P_c = 20E+3   #pressure difference in Pa

P = P_a - P_c
T = P * V / (m * R)   #crushing temperature in K

print('The crushing temperature based on the pressure difference is:', f"{T-273.15:.1f}", 'C')
The crushing temperature based on the pressure difference is: 42.4 C