5.9: Reheat Cycle#

Problem statement#

a) Consider a steam cycle where water is pumped from room pressure and temperature (\(T_1=25\:^{\circ}C\) & \(P_1=101\:kPa\)) iseontropically to \(P_2=1\:MPa\). Water then is heated in a bolier in a constant pressure to a maximum temperature of \(T_3=600\:^{\circ}C\) which is limited by the metallurgical consederations of the turbine. Steam then is expanded iseontrepically in the turbine before entering the constant-pressure condenser. Calculate the efficiency of the cycle.


b) to increase the efficiency of the cycle, a reheat mechanism is proposed where the turbine is downsized to expand to a higher pressure at a primary step (\(P_5=650\:kPa\)) before being sent back to the boiler to reheat to \(T_6=600\:^{\circ}C\) at a constant pressure. The reheated steam is then used in a second iseontropic turbine to expand to the room pressure before entering the condenser. Calculate the efficiency of the modified cycle.


c) optimize the medium pressure to maximize the efficiency

Solution Approach for a)#

The pump is iseotropic, therefore

\(s_2 = s_1\)

which is used to calculate ethalpy at the second state (\(h_2\))

and for the turbine again,


which is used to calculate the enthalpy at state #4 (\(h_4\))

the efficiency is calculated by


where for work from the turbine




and from the boiler


#importing the required library
import CoolProp.CoolProp as CP
fluid = 'water'
P_1 = 101E+3   #P1 in Pa
T_1 = 25 + 273.15   #T1 in K
s_1 = CP.PropsSI("S", "P", P_1, "T", T_1 , fluid)   #entropy in state#1 in J/kg.K
h_1 = CP.PropsSI("H", "P", P_1, "T", T_1 , fluid)   #enthalpy in state#1 in J/kg

s_2 = s_1   #iseontropic pump
P_2 = 1E+6   #pressure in state #2 in Pa
h_2 = CP.PropsSI("H", "P", P_2, "S", s_2 , fluid)   #enthalpy in state#2 in J/kg

P_3 = P_2   #constant pressure boiler
T_3 = 600 + 273.15   #temperature at state #3 in K
s_3 = CP.PropsSI("S", "P", P_3, "T", T_3 , fluid)   #entropy in state#3 in J/kg.K
h_3 = CP.PropsSI("H", "P", P_3, "T", T_3 , fluid)   #enthalpy in state#3 in J/kg

s_4 = s_3   #iseontropic turbine
P_4 = P_1   #constant pressure condenser
h_4 = CP.PropsSI("H", "P", P_4, "S", s_4 , fluid)   #enthalpy in state#4 in J/kg

w_turbine = h_3 - h_4   #work output from turbine in J/kg
w_pump = h_2 - h_1   #work output in pump in J/kg
w = w_turbine - w_pump   #net work output in J/kg

q_H = h_3 - h_2   #heat input in boiler in J/kg

etha = w / q_H   #overall efficiency of the cycle

print('Theefficiency of the cycle is:', f"{etha*100:.1f}", '%')
Theefficiency of the cycle is: 20.1 %

Solution Approach for b)#

both turbines are iseontropic, so




The work output for the turbines would be


and the heat input


s_5 = s_3   #iseontropic turbine
P_5 = 750E+3   #constant pressure condenser
h_5 = CP.PropsSI("H", "P", P_5, "S", s_5 , fluid)   #enthalpy in state#5 in J/kg

P_6 = P_5   #constant pressure reheat
T_6 = 600 + 273.15   #temperature at state #6 in K
s_6 = CP.PropsSI("S", "P", P_6, "T", T_6 , fluid)   #entropy in state#6 in J/kg.K
h_6 = CP.PropsSI("H", "P", P_6, "T", T_6 , fluid)   #enthalpy in state#6 in J/kg

s_4 = s_6   #iseontropic turbine
P_4 = P_1   #constant pressure condenser
h_4 = CP.PropsSI("H", "P", P_4, "S", s_4 , fluid)   #enthalpy in state#4 in J/kg

w_turbine = (h_3 - h_5) + (h_6 - h_4)   #turbines work output in J/kg
w = w_turbine - w_pump   #net work output in J/kg
q_H = (h_3 - h_2) + (h_6 - h_5)   #total heat input in J/kg

etha = w / q_H #overall efficiency of the cycle

print('Theefficiency of the cycle with reheat is:', f"{etha*100:.1f}", '%')
Theefficiency of the cycle with reheat is: 20.6 %

Solution Approach for c)#

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

s_5 = s_3   #iseontropic turbine
P_vals = np.linspace(P_1, P_2, 1000)   #an array of pressures between two ends in Pa
etha = np.zeros(1000)   #empty array to store efficiency values

i = 0   #counter for the for loop
for P_5 in P_vals:
    h_5 = CP.PropsSI("H", "P", P_5, "S", s_5 , fluid)    #enthalpy in state#5 in J/kg
    P_6 = P_5   #constant pressure reheat
    T_6 = 600 + 273.15   #temperature at state #6 in K
    s_6 = CP.PropsSI("S", "P", P_6, "T", T_6 , fluid)   #entropy in state#6 in J/kg.K
    h_6 = CP.PropsSI("H", "P", P_6, "T", T_6 , fluid)   #enthalpy in state#6 in J/kg

    s_4 = s_6   #iseontropic turbine
    P_4 = P_1   #constant pressure condenser
    h_4 = CP.PropsSI("H", "P", P_4, "S", s_4 , fluid)   #enthalpy in state#4 in J/kg

    w_turbine = (h_3 - h_5) + (h_6 - h_4)   #turbines work output in J/kg
    w = w_turbine - w_pump   #net work output in J/kg
    q_H = (h_3 - h_2) + (h_6 - h_5)   #total heat input in J/kg
    etha[i] = w / q_H #overall efficiency of the cycle
    i = i + 1

plt.ylabel("Efficiency [%]")  # give y axis a label
plt.xlabel("Medium Pressure [kPa]")  # give x axis a label
Text(0.5, 0, 'Medium Pressure [kPa]')