1.3 Energy in a Moving Vehicle

1.3 Energy in a Moving Vehicle#

Problem Statement:#

A car with a mass of 1200 kg is traveling at a speed of 60 km/h. If the height above the ground is 50 m, calculate the total stored energy of the car.

## Solution:

# Given values
m = 1200  # Mass of the car in kg
V = 60 * (1000 / 3600)  # Speed in m/s (60 km/h)
g = 9.81  # Acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2
z = 50  # Height in meters

# Total stored energy calculation
E = m * (V**2 / 2 + g * z)

# Output the result
print(f"Total stored energy of the car: {round(E/1e3)} kJ")
Total stored energy of the car: 755 kJ