Chapter 3#
Question #11: CoolProp vs. Ideal Gas#
Consider air at atmospheric pressure and room temperature. Calculate the density of air based on:
a) ideal gas law
b) CoolProp module
c) calculate error percentage
d) consider decreasig the temperature of air to \(T_c=85K\) in constant pressure. Calculate and plot the error percentage in calculating density using ideal gas assumption for this temperature range.
Solution Approach for a)#
from ideal gas law,
and \(D=1/v\)
#define variables
T = 25 + 273.15 #room temperature in K
P = 101325 #atmospheric pressure in Pa
R = 287 #air gas constant in J/kg.K
D_ideal = P / (R * T) #gas density in kg/m3
print('The density of air based on ideal gas assumption is:', f"{D_ideal:.3f}", 'kg/m3')
The density of air based on ideal gas assumption is: 1.184 kg/m3
Solution Approach for b)#
#import library
import CoolProp.CoolProp as CP
fluid = "air" # define the fluid or material of interest
D_CoolProp = CP.PropsSI("D", "P", P, "T", T , fluid)
print('The density of air based on CoolProp is:', f"{D_CoolProp:.3f}", 'kg/m3')
The density of air based on CoolProp is: 1.184 kg/m3
Solution Approach for c)#
The error percentage is based on the difference in density and the CoolProp result which is based on experiments
\(E=100\times (|D_{CoolProp}-D_{ideal}|)/D_{CoolProp}\)
#import library
import numpy as np
E = 100 * np.absolute(D_CoolProp-D_ideal)/D_CoolProp #error percentage
print('The error percentage in calculating density is:', f"{E:.3f}", '%')
The error percentage in calculating density is: 0.016 %
Solution Approach for d)#
#import library
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
T_c = 85 #minimum temperature in K
T_vals = np.linspace(T_c, T, 1000) #an array for temperatures
E = np.zeros(1000) #empty array to store error values
i = 0 #counter for the for loop
for T in T_vals:
D_ideal = P / (R * T) #gas density using ideal gas assumption in kg/m3
D_CoolProp = CP.PropsSI("D", "P", P, "T", T , fluid) #gas density using CoolProp in kg/m3
E[i] = 100 * np.absolute(D_CoolProp-D_ideal)/D_CoolProp #error percentage
i = i +1
plt.ylabel("Error [%]") # give y axis a label
plt.xlabel("Temperature [K]") # give x axis a label
Text(0.5, 0, 'Temperature [K]')