Chapter 2#

Question #12: \(CO_2\) Distribution#

\(CO_2\) is stored at room temperature inside a \(10\:L\) cylinder with a pressure of \(P=65\:atm\). The stored \(CO_2\) is meant to be distributed into smaller containers with a volume of \(2\:L\) and a maximum pressure of \(P_s=15\:atm\) measured at room temperature. How many small containes are needed?


Solution Approach)#

To calculate the number of containers needed, the mass of \(CO_2\) stored in the cylinder as well as the capacity of small containers is to be calculated.

From density,


where m is containing mass and V is the volume of the container

#import librarier
import CoolProp.CoolProp as CP
import numpy as np

fluid = "CO2"  # define the fluid or material of interest
P_atm = 101325   #atmospheric pressure in Pa
T = 25 + 273.15   #room temperature in  K

V_s = 0.01   #source container volume in m3
V_c = 0.002   #small container volume in m3

P_s = 65 * P_atm   #source container pressure in Pa
P_c = 15 * P_atm   #small container max pressure in Pa

D_s = CP.PropsSI("D", "P", P_s, "T", T , fluid)   #source CO2 density in kg/m3
D_c = CP.PropsSI("D", "P", P_c, "T", T , fluid)   #small container CO2 max density in kg/m3

m_s = D_s * V_s   #mass of CO2 inside source container in kg
m_c = D_c * V_c   #mass capacity of CO2 inside small container in kg

n = np.round(m_s / m_c) + 1   #min number of small containers needed  

print(f"{n:.0f}",'containers needed')
124 containers needed