2.9: Saturated Water in a Rigid Tank#
A rigid tank containing \(m=10\:kg\) of saturated water is sitiing at room temperature \(T=25\:^{\circ}C\). If the volume of the tank is \(V=1\:m^3\), determine the mass of liquid water stored in the tank.
Solution Approach)#
the quality of a saturated mixture is defined as
therfore the mass of liquid would be
#import librarier
import CoolProp.CoolProp as CP
#define variables
V = 1 #tank volume in m3
m_mix = 10 #mixture mass in kg
T = 25 + 273.15 #temperature in K
D = m / V #density in kg/m3 used in CoolProp
fluid = "water" # define the fluid or material of interest
x = CP.PropsSI("Q", "T", T, "D", D , fluid) #the quality of the mixture
m_l = (1 - x) * m_mix #mass of liquid water in kg
print('The mass of liquid fluid is', f"{m_l:.3f}", 'kg')
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[1], line 9
6 m_mix = 10 #mixture mass in kg
7 T = 25 + 273.15 #temperature in K
----> 9 D = m / V #density in kg/m3 used in CoolProp
10 fluid = "water" # define the fluid or material of interest
12 x = CP.PropsSI("Q", "T", T, "D", D , fluid) #the quality of the mixture
NameError: name 'm' is not defined